what we're about

You're welcome here

Switch Off Bullying is a place where you can come and feel safe, have open conversations, and discuss the various issues of bullying. Whether you are or have been a victim of bullying (target) in school or the workplace, have a child or know a child who suffers from the affects bullying, witnessed it (bystander) and don’t know what to do, this is a place where all are welcome. It’s a safe place to find support and comfort. You are not alone.

It is our mission to bring awareness, resources and education to this hidden epidemic.

Our goal is to get the public talking about bullying regardless whether you’re a student or working or both. 

We want to hear from individuals affected by bullies (perpetrators) and/or those who have observed bullying (bystanders). Bullying has negative impacts on physical and psychological health of employees, students, their working/student relationships, family, careers and scholastic successes.

The rationale to stamp out workplace bullying (WPB) and school bullying is to create a healthier, happier, satisfying, positive workplace for all employees and students. Everyone has a right to go to work or school in a nonviolent, positive environment. The only way to do that is to SPEAK UP. Silence is not golden when it comes to toxicity.

We want to help you and others to be an Ally or Upstander–0ne who speaks up. Addressing bullying reduces the risk of losing veteran employees and safeguard young students.

Most importantly, stamping out bullying places perpetrators accountable for their pathological and unforgivable behavior. Bullies should be accountable for their behavior and take responsibility for their actions by making amends to those affected. 

Unfortunately, this is not happening for the most part. WPB and school bullying are unacceptable. It’s reprehensible and deplorable behavior that needs to stop now. Bully-free work and school environments should be an expectation, not the exception.

Namie, G. and Namie R. (2009). The Bully at Work. Second EditionNaperville, IL:
Sourcebooks, Inc.

Bullying defined

repeated, health-harming mistreatment of a person (the target) by one or more workers that takes the form of verbal abuse; conduct or behaviors that are threatening, intimidating or humiliating; sabotage that prevents work from getting done; or some combination of the three by a cruel perpetrator (the bully) – (Namie & Namie, 2009)
Is the person who is being bullied
A person who is present or has knowledge of bullying but does not take part
The person exhibiting aggressive behavior, trying to hurt or control others.

Help us put an end to bullying by filling out the anonymous survey.